Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Monday, September 21, 2009

The job hunt

I'm currently looking for a job since, well i quit my last job due to lack of time. But yeh, I need a new job now that I got time again. It's pretty hard. I mean i've never looked for work before. All jobs I've ever had have kinda just been offered to me by people I knew etc. So now I'm clueless. Anyway, I spent a couple of hours handing out my resume all over the place today. And now I'm home reading through classifieds online. Have you ever read them? They are the worst, since no one is supervising people post all kinds of shit. Like this one:
"Asian girl wanted to do cleaning at my apartment, only wear bra and knickers, I will pay $50-60 per hour.
Send photo and phone number.
can start tomorrow."

The worst thing is that some idiots out there are actually gonna apply for this. Sad sad world....

Friday, September 18, 2009

The Devil Rides A Rocking Horse

Last night i commuted all the way to Northcote for this event and it was well worth the full hour on the tram! Mojo Juju's vaudeville night brought burlesque, can can girls, saw wielding, table dancing and music for sinners.... Epic.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Further We Search

Our friend Darius Devas screened his first feature film "Further We Search" at ACMI last night and it was amazing! Check out the trailer here:

Btw, how crap is the Hitchcock quote on the ACMI ticket!
("A good film is when the price of the dinner, the theatre admission and the babysitter were worth it".) Hahahaaha!


Cleaning up my photo folders i came across this ol' fella taken at Lisa and Kalle's apartment in Oslo a year ago....Freakin hilarious man!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Burlesque Bar

On friday i performed as my alter ego Pepper Lee at Burlesque Bar together with the gorgeous Scarlett, Mystique, Kerry X and Sophia Beaumont. The show went great and i loved every second! These are some photos Jono took.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Sun and skate and movement and hair

Cruised down to the esplanade (which is like a 5 min walk from home) yesterday with Jono and our friend Redgum who is visiting from the States. The weather was amazing for a change, sunny, hot and lovely. So hot we had to walk back home and change clothes. But as soon as we stepped out again the weather gods turned on us and rain poured down. Classic Melbs....

Thursday, September 3, 2009

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