Sunday, May 31, 2009

Yeah homie

Dave at work accidently dropped a bottle of spirits on my toe last night and it hurt so bad i cried. Yup, cried some and screamed a lot and pretty much freaked out most of the male staff. Had to get carried out and into a cab with a swollen blue toe packed in ice. It's way better now but I'm doing the gangsta limp. Not sexy.
Talking about gangsta, saw the funniest shit on the tram the other day. This asian b-boy crew started rapping and one dude goes "when i say nigga you say what?" and the crew of course all went "what" after his "nigga" yells. Oh my goodness, i just couldn't keep it in and bursted out in loud laughter and the whole tram turned around and looked at me. Good times.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

uber nerd

I'm sitting in the library at uni listening to Cat Power and having an online class. Online classes, what a retarded way of conducting a class. Anyway....
Today is the last day of first semester! Woohoo! Well, folio submissions are next friday but no more classes so woohoo! Although i love uni and studying...bummer..I'm such a nerd.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

"we're never coming back to Melbourne so enjoy"

Went to see Have Heart, Carpathian and the not so good band Iron Mind at the Arthouse tonight. The show was great...well, except for that opening band Iron Mind. Carpathian opened with "End Of The 1980s", my favourite song by them. And then Have Heart did an amazing show! They played for bit over one hour and played all the goodies, "Armed With A Knife", "The Unbreakable", "Bostons", "The Same Son", "Brotherly Love", "Watch Me Sink" and so on...

"The Same Son" Have Heart

Sisters starving, brothers begging.
Mothers mourning, fathers folding

When I look in the mirror I see:
A boy not a man
The son of a father I refuse to understand
The "brother" of a brother like a wound I neglect
The coward of a sister with the world I forget
The prodigal son, but I am yet to return
From a siege where I take refuge but I want to watch burn
Your lover, your companion, your champion, your friend
Forever by your side but not in the end

The fortunate son who dwells in the city, 
With the poorest of the poor, still, I ask for your pity

And while there's a man who sleeps on the ice-cold streets
His godsend not in me, but in his cardboard: his sheets


I still see the same son.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Last week of the semester. Some people are stressing out but i'm vanilla ice.... Pretty much got my folios ready for the printers and hand ins are not until next friday hahaha! I went havanna loco from day one and ended up way ahead. This is what happens when you love what you are doing. 
I'll show you guys some stuff soon.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Saturday, May 23, 2009

rad boys and epic music

THE PROCESS - Vultures of Human Decay Tour - 21/5 - 30/5 2009

21/5 (Thursday) Berlin (ger) - KÖPI - Koma F w/ Hellborn Messiah 
22/5 (Friday) - Potsdam (ger)- Black Fleck w/ Glässes 
23/5 (Saturday) - Leiden (nl) - Bar & Boos w/ Waking The Dead 
24/5 (Sunday) - Trento (it) - Circoscrizione di S. Giuseppe w/ The Consequence, Hardway, Crop Circles and Attrito

25/5 (Monday)- Italy/ south Germany - HELP! (TBA, stay tuned...)
26/5 (Tuesday)- Laives (it) - Juze NOLOGO w/ What Crop Circles and more
27/5 (Wednesday)- Epinal (fr) - Le Cable
28/5 (Thursday)- Leuven (be) - CHAOSbar w/ Fleas & Lice + more
29/5 (Friday)- Brussels (be) - I For Us Fest w/ Daggers, Fallen, At Least We Try + more
30/5 (Saturday)- Luebeck (ger) - Veb

Check them out on:

Friday, May 22, 2009

wish you guys where here


Just as we were to brush our teeth and go to bed last night the tap breaks and water is spraying everywhere....awesome... Tried to call the emergency numbers provided by the real estate agent with no luck. After an hour of trying to fix it ourselves we called another plumber and got his arse to come over and stop the fountain. He cruises in, sorts us out in like 30 minutes and hands us the bill, 726 dollars!! (approximately 4000kr for my swedish friends). Jono went down to the real estate agent this morning to get them to pay us back since their people never picked up the phone last night. They say OK and it's all cool. Later the plumber that was here calls us up telling us that the real estate agent wants to sue the plumber for charging us that much......

im off to work.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

i love my diana F+

Jono got me a scanner/printer/pony/everything for my birthday and now i can scan my medium formats and show the world woohoo! These are a few snaps from Sweden before i left in january. I miss Sam and Malin, they are the best of people.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009


This is my new blog. Looks pretty much same as the last. This is the kind of things that get in motion when im restless at home feeling sick. I've made a promise to myself to try and keep things more interesting or at least post stuff more frequently. 

There is always hope.

Happy birthday to me

Turned 26 on saturday and had a great day! Jono got me a great present and so did my lil family at the bird.

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