Thursday, August 27, 2009

Multi tasking

Haven't posted much the last couple of weeks or days or... I'm crazy busy. Got a lot of uni thinking and designing, got rehearsals for the Dali show that starts next wednesday, rehearsals for a fan dance at Burlesque Bar also next week, then preparing a solo for the monday after AND sewing my costumes... I've been getting a lot of "OMG you look sooooo tired!!"-comments and no "wow you look so young, can't believe you're 26!!" comments lately... Basically that means I look like shit. Great.
Gonna go check on my cupcakes. Yes I know, why bake when I have a million things to do? Because I'm freaking wonder woman and I do whatever I want.

1 comment:

Deano SC said...

You curl up in a ball on the smallest chair in the world in front of the heater like a cat and make funny noises while you sleep. haha

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